Contact: Mrs. Turner, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve

Reasonable Expectations Regarding Setting of Work and Feedback

We aim to set children work in a wide range of subjects and based on what they are learning in class at the time of isolation. Some of the work that is set lends itself well to children working on it independently. Some of the work lends itself better to being completed on a device or on paper. Some of the work that is set is quite open ended, and may require adult input to support the child.

Here are some different scenarios of which we want to make parents & carers aware regarding the setting and feedback to Home Learning.

  1. The child isolating may also be ill and Home Learning may not be possible.
  2. If it is one child isolating, the teacher will still be expected to teach the rest of the class, so setting specific tasks for this child, and providing feedback becomes harder.
  3. If the class are all isolating, this will include the teacher and any other adult connected to the class. Again, we have to consider the fact that the adults themselves may not be well so setting Home Learning becomes harder.


A small number of the class are isolating

The class is isolating

The school is in Lockdown

·       Children will be given work initially as they leave school in their Book Bags. This may include reading their reading book, some phonics work, some pages from their CGP book.

·       By the end of the 2nd day communication between pupil and teacher is set up through SeeSaw

·       Activities that have been taught in class are set for the isolating children inc clear links to sites such as Oak and BBC Bitesize

·       Work might be set using sites such as MyMaths, Spelling Frame, etc

·       At least 1 day per week should be allocated to reviewing children’s work and feeding back to the children

·       Children will be given work initially as they leave school

·       By the end of the 2nd day communication between pupil and teacher is set up through SeeSaw

·       Activities that would have been taught in class are set inc clear links to sites such as Oak and BBC Bitesize

·       Work might be set using sites such as MyMaths, Spelling Frame, etc

·       Reviewing children’s work and feeding back to the children should take place at least every other day using SeeSaw

·       Children will be given work initially as they leave school

·       By the end of the 2nd day communication between pupil and teacher is set up through SeeSaw

·       Activities that would have been taught in class are set inc clear links to sites such as Oak and BBC Bitesize

·       Work might be set using sites such as MyMaths, Spelling Frame, etc

·       Reviewing children’s work and feeding back to the children should take place at least every other day using SeeSaw

We will do everything we can to ensure a teacher sets work and provides feedback to your child using SeeSaw, whilst they are isolating from school.